A new concept at Clos Saint Joseph: why not take control for a gin workshop?
Come and enjoy a recreational experience including :
- a visit to the distillery
- a presentation of the world of gin,
- create your own gin recipe by selecting the flavours yourself, and leave with a personalised 20cl bottle,
- taste a choice of 5 spirits,
- take advantage of a special price on bottles!
Don't hesitate to contact us, we can organise workshops on request!
Come and enjoy a recreational experience including :
- a visit to the distillery
- a presentation of the world of gin,
- create your own gin recipe by selecting the flavours yourself, and leave with a personalised 20cl bottle,
- taste a choice of 5 spirits,
- take advantage of a special price on bottles!
Don't hesitate to contact us, we can organise workshops on request!
Sellos empresariales
Vignobles et découvertes
American Express
Credit card
Payment cards
Eurocard - Mastercard
Foreign money orders
Capacidad grupos
- 8 Persona(s)
- 2 Persona (s) Mini
- 8 Persona (s) Max